Saturday, 23 May 2009

Arran Wildlife Festival Photography Competition: Winners Announced

During the Arran Wildlife Festival there was a photography competition for images of wildlife taken during the festival (13th-20th May). The standard of many entries was high, and in the adult category the competition was intense. However, local photographer Steve Ewart who was judging the competition felt that Leslie Holburn's image of a black guillemot taken at Imachar on the 15th stood out from the crowd. The picture captures the charismatic nature of this species perfectly, and shows off the brilliant red of its feet and inside the beak.
Meanwhile, in the under 18s category, local photgrapher Bailey Robinson aged 10 ran away with the top prize with his photograph of mallard drakes in his grandmothers garden. The judge felt that it was a good effort for a young photographer. Mum Angela said, "I think winning has spurred him on to start taking more photographs and the book he won will help him do that".

Images from the 2009 Festival

View of Ailsa Craig and the Isle of Pladda from Kildonan.

Intrepid seafarers brave the choppy waters for a once in a lifetime trip to RSPB reserve Ailsa Craig, home to 40,00 pairs of gannets, as well as guillemots, puffins and razorbills.

Rob Logan of Forestry Commission Scotland has a license to check barn owl nests and during the festival people were able to watch him do this (from a safe distance). Barn owls are protected by law and it is illegal to disturb them unless like Rob you have a license issued for a specific conservation purpose.

On board the Holy Isle ferry with Howard Wood from the Community of Arran Seabed Trust, finding out about Scotland's first No Take Zone in Lamlash Bay.

On the summit of Holy Isle.

The Seawatchers set up camp at the Southend of Arran. Amongst the many seabirds seen, a rare pomerine skua was spotted.

Terry Southall rings a song song thrush at Kildonan.

Kirk and Gen get help making a bug box from their dad, joiner George Inglis at the Family Fun Day.

Jenny Meade of COAST at the fun day.

Fiona Laing is chair of the Arran Natural History Society and Kate Sampson head ranger at NTS Brodick Castle, Country Park and Goatfell Property.

Graeme Walker of SNH practicing for his Bats and Beer presentation later that evening.

Ross Kerr has a go with the black grouse radio tracking equipment.

Gay and Andy Christie from Hessilhead Wildlfie Rescue Centre.

Tom Vella Boyle of the Community of Arran Seabed Trust at the Fun Day.

The staff at Brodick Co Op volunteered to help with the tea room and ran a raffle.

Liz Maclean, manager of Brodick Co-op gets into the spirit of the Fun Day.

Gemma Totty has her face painted at the Family Fun Day.

Community of Arran Seabed Trust divers demonstrate the marine wildlife of Lamlash Bay on board Arran Power and Sail's RIB.