Thursday, 8 October 2009

Whiting Bay Primary School wins a turtle

Remember the Cool Seas Roadshow at last years festival? All of the island's primary school children took part in a fantastic day of marine themed activities including life sized inflateable sea creatures.
The children created wonderful collages of sealife and best composition was judged by Howard Wood of the Community of Arran Seabed Trust. It was pure coincidence that Whiting Bay school won the competition (Howard is a resident in the village!).
In recognition of their fantastic artwork, last week the school won an adopted turtle, under the Marine Conservation Society's "Adopt A Turtle Scheme". Under the scheme, for as little as £3 a month, you can support the work of the MCS and other conservation groups in protecting turtles around the world. Whiting Bay Schools turtle was funded by the Wildlife Festival.
The children were presented with a certificate and information pack, as well as a toy turtle to enjoy.
To adopt your own turtle and to find out more about the scheme visit